Štstry St. etersburg ^imes PIHELLAS COUNTY. OTHER 46 IRVING AM) CANNING v/est (-oast 'reserving Company, a new IXtOOO1000 corporation to preserve oranre juice by new method, makes St. : eteos- burg headquarters. 1-5; Fh 28, 1923 PRINTING Harry E. Mitchell and H. M. Dopp open job printing office on Third street, St. etersburg. 1*41 Al 22, 1310 Harry E, Mitchell, St. etersburg, builds new printing plant on site of circus field where he appeared v.dth iia est show fifteen years ago. 16-1; Jl 24, 1921 PUBLIC ACCOUNTING Organization of a Florida state chapter of the Rational Association of certified accountants formed October 9, 1922, at a meeting held in St. -etersburg, and elects following officers: R. E. Callahan, president; Charles B. Selden, vice president; James H. Ifeclaiey, secretary ana treasurer. 12-1; 0 10, 1922